Match Reports: CLEAN SWEEP
Edinburgh 3s 59-32 Dundee 1s
Edinburgh 4s 47-32 Stirling 1s
Edinburgh 5s 49-35 St Andrews 2s
Edinburgh 5s won 49-35 against St. Andrews 2s at home in the CSE. The 5s lost the last time they played St. Andrews, so we were determined to better our performance this time around. The team defended well down the court, resulting in us repeatedly turning over St. Andrews centres. With a full squad, the team didn't tire and continued to increase the gap until the final whistle. Hannah Emery got player of the match for some excellent defending as WD. This was Hannah's last BUCS match so everyone was really happy we managed to win comfortably and that Hannah Emery got player! She'll be missed on the 5s next year. The 5s have one game left against Aberdeen 1s next week, and we are determined to win as a win would secure us second in the league
Edinburgh 6s 34-31 Glasgow 3s
Edinburgh 7s 36-27 Glasgow Cali 2s