The committee are a team of elected volunteers, who stand for an academic year. Please feel free to contact us about any matter and we will make sure to get back to you, or direct you to the appropriate person.

The Executive Committee

Club Captain: Dionne Dorricott
I am so honoured this year to be the Club Captain of EUNC for the 21/22 season. I am a 4th year Law student and my previous role in the club was 1s Captain, a position I have held for the past 2 years. My job is to oversee the efficient and smooth running of the club, alongside the Secretary and Treasurer, as well as looking into further club development and supporting the rest of the committee in their roles. I will be in contact with the Sports Union, Netball Scotland and our community links to ensure the club is well connected. Last season was devastating for us as we could not compete in our BUCS and CENA leagues so this year will be monumental for the club in its progression and development, and I am so excited to be at the forefront of that. I am so excited to meet as many new people as possible and ensure everyone is having the best time as part of EUNC. Being a part of this club whilst at uni has been the most amazing experience and I am so excited for the year ahead of us. I am eager to see how the club develops and grows to become even more successful than before! ​
To get in contact with Dionne please email .

Club Secretary: Emily Criddle
This year I am honoured to take on the role of Club Secretary for EUNC. I am in third year studying Textile Design and entering my third year of netball with EUNC, previously a Social Secretary alongside Hannah Alexander in year 2. As Secretary I will be working closely with Dionne and Anna from the executive committee, organising team affiliation, signing teams up for competitions and supporting the Club Captain. I am super excited to be working alongside both Dionne and Anna in the organisation of EUNC for 2021/22 and can't wait to welcome new students to the club! Most importantly, this year I am tasked with organising EUNC's 2022 summer Tour, which due to COVID was unfortunately unable to go ahead last year. This is a great social event at the end of the academic and netball year of which I am eager to start planning for, after a year of travel restrictions! I am so proud to be a part of this years committee for another great year at EUNC, and look forward to welcoming new faces to the club this September!

Club Treasurer: Anna Horrabin
Hello my name is Anna and I will be treasurer for EUNC this year. I’m a fourth year mathematics student and also entering my fourth year of EUNC! EUNC has had such a positive impact on my university experience so I’m very excited to have this role to play my part for the club. I hope to ensure the club stays in a good financial position allowing us to have the best year possible, filled with opportunities both on and off the court. Working alongside Dionne, Emily and all the rest of the amazing girls on the committee I know this will be achieved!
The Committee
Kit Secretary: Flo Gregory
Hi I’m Flo, this is my fourth year in eunc and I study sustainable development! I am a defender for the 1st team but started EUNC in the 3s. This year as kit sec I’m hoping to introduce a few new bits for when the clubs re open and am always open to suggestions!!

Publicity and Alumni Secretary: Lowri Evans
I'm Lowri, a final year photography student who has been involved in EUNC since first year. I often photograph EUNC games in my spare time so I am very pleased to be in this role again this year. My role includes running and updating the club's social media accounts and website with EUNC news and match results! I will also be organising the annual Alumini weekend which will be a great opportunity for new and old members of the club to come together for friendly games and a big night out at Potterow. To keep up to date with all that's going on within the club head over to @eunetball on Instagram !
Social Secretaries: Josie Hickey & Izzy Simmonds
Hi I’m Josie and this year I am one of the social secs for the netball club! I’m a South African studying International Relations in second year- Issy and I are excited to bring back the social life of netball and have a time doing it! No more hustling at home it’s time for a feast of chaos, no need to keep it tidy! The season comeback begins, let’s get busy!
Hey guys I’m Izzy and along with Josie I’m going to be your social sec for this year! I’m currently in second year studying philosophy and politics. We’re so excited to put on some awesome socials and get to know everyone!! Get ready to party!!!! See you all soon

BUCS Umpire Secretary: Elin Crotty
Hi, I'm Elin, I'm a master's student researching collections and curating, and this is my 5th year in EUNC. I'm the BUCS secretary and I do a lot of umpiring myself, as well as arranging umpires for cup games, friendlies, and occasionally actually getting the chance to play on the 7s too. I started umpiring in my second year and I really enjoy it. We've got loads of girls at different stages of qualified, please give me a shout if you fancy signing up too. I'm really looking forward to getting back on court for the 21/22 year and continuing the 7s undefeated streak - I'll see you from the sidelines when the semester begins!

CENA Umpire Secretary: Lily Maxwell
Hi everyone - I’m Lily Maxwell and am pleased to be this years CENA umpire secretary! My primary role within the EUNC committee is to organise and appointment umpires to each of our teams CENA fixtures to assure games run as smoothly as possible so everyone can focus on playing their highest quality netball in this league! I am more than ready to answer any questions you may have about this league, or any queries you have about our amazing club in general - I’m always a smiling face on committee up for a chat!

Student Netball Officer: Estelle McCool
I’m Estelle, this will be my second year in EUNC and I study maths! As student netball officer, I’m going to be getting rec netball up and running this year so as many people as possible will be able to have fun, make friends and play netball in EUNC! I look after the teams we enter into the intramural league but will be organising fixtures against other Edinburgh unis for some more fun competition.

Inclusion and Wellbeing Officer: Elinor Hull
I’m Elinor, the Inclusion and Wellbeing Officer for the 21/22 season. I am from Manchester, in my fourth year studying chemistry and this will be my fifth year with EUNC! My main responsibilities are to co-ordinate events with the Publicity and Social Secretaries to promote inclusion amongst the club. Throughout the year I will be keeping in touch with Team Captains to see how people are doing on their team and if they notice any newbies in need of a helping hand. I would also like to organise a fortnightly walk around Edinburgh for anyone in the club to join to keep any injured/distant members involved and help mixing between different teams. This is only the second year that this position has existed, so there are still a lot of things to figure out. I am so looking forward to this next year and I’m keen to hear on how I can help!
Team Captains

1st Team Captain - Amy Walker
I’m a second year history student and I played in the Sirens U21 squad this year. My role this year is as captain of the first team. We are very excited to start training and winning matches, with the aim of getting into Prem!
2nd Team Captain - Hannah Alexander
3rd Team Captain - Lydia FJ
Hi my name is Lydia and I will be the 3s captain this year! I am a 4th year medical student and this is my 4th year at EUNC. I can’t wait to get back to playing matches and enjoying the weekly socials. My job is to plan training sessions and get the team fit and ready to win the league. EUNC is an amazing club and I’m very excited to get going.
4th Team Captain - Mackenzie Serpell
5th Team Captain - Eilidh Shanks
Hi I’m Eilidh and I am going to be 5s captain this year. I am a 3rd year Applied Sports Science student and this is my third year in the 5s. I am so looking forward to getting back to proper netball again and more importantly the socials!! Excited to see what this season brings!
6th Team Captain -

7th Team Captain - Anna Kazmarczyk
Hi!! My name is Anna and I’m a 3rd year Psychology student and I’m really excited to be taking on the role of 6s captain this year. After joining EUNC last year I can’t wait to get back to training and finally be able to play some matches after what’s been a very strange past 18 months to say the least. The club have been so welcoming even under such unprecedented circumstances and I’ve made some great friends. I look forward to seeing you all out on the court this coming year :)
8th Team Captain - Ellie Jamieson